EPC - Engineering | Procurement | Construction

Shiva Irrigation System undertakes and executes solar projects of any scale on a turnkey basis, from concept to completion, tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. We provide comprehensive solutions for residential, commercial, industrial, and utility-scale projects.

Our team comprises highly skilled and experienced engineers and contractors with deep expertise in solar design. This multidisciplinary team includes professionals in electrical, electronics, mechanical, and civil engineering, who handle all aspects of planning, design, execution, and maintenance with precision and care.

Engineering Design

This process includes analyzing customer requirements, conducting a site survey, monitoring weather conditions, designing the structure, assessing power generation capacity, selecting equipment, engineering design, and recommending the optimal solar power system.


We source machinery and components for solar power systems from both local and global producers, freeing our customers from the hassle of finding the right supplier.


The solar construction activity includes mounting solar PV panels, installing solar pumps and accessories, and integrating on-grid or off-grid connectivity, seamlessly integrating solar solutions with the client's existing power supply systems

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